Calcium and Magnesium balance each other in the body; supporting healthy bones, teeth, nerves and muscle function. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body with 99% found in the bones and teeth, and the remaining 1% in soft tissues, intracellular fluids and blood. The calcium state of the bones is constantly fluctuating depending on diet and to the body’s needs, having storage of this mineral in the bones is also important. Calcium is essential to strong bones; Magnesium assists in the body’s absorption of calcium. With an adequate supply of absorbed calcium throughout life as well as a balanced diet, the risk of osteoporosis may be reduced.
MAGNIFOOD Enhanced Nutrition
In order to get the most out of nutritional supplementation it's necessary to achieve an intense state of synergy in the body. Synergy occurs when an interaction between compounds produces effects that are greater than the combined individual effects of each one. To provide its optimum effect, each vitamin, mineral or any other nutrient must be efficiently absorbed, distributed, metabolised and utilised, and must participate in a wide array of synergistic interactions with enzymes, co-factors, other nutrients. So it's the environment in the body which dictates how beneficial a supplement will be.
Magnifood is a complex of botanicals and phytonutrient-rich foods. The ingredients are combined in a manner which enhances the body's biochemical environment in order to maximise the potential benefits of the product's vitamins, minerals and/or other nutrients. Many of the plants used in Magnifood are fresh freeze dried. Research shows that fresh freeze drying has the unique ability to retain a plant's enzymes, and is shown to be superior to other drying methods in terms of activity, stability, solubility and preservation of a plant's original fresh chemistry (as it was when the plant was harvested). The biochemical profile of a fresh freeze dried plant very closely resembles the profile of the original fresh plant, but in a much greater concentration, due to the removal of the plant's moisture content.
While Magnifood is a scientifically advanced innovation, its origins are deeply rooted in holistic principles. Within each Magnifood complex, the marriage between science and holism produces remarkable effects - effects which are powerfully active, delicately balanced and intensely, profoundly synergistic.
Four Vegicaps Typically Provide: Contents: Magnesium (as oxide, citrate) 500mg, Vegetarian Capsule Shell 472mg, MAGNIFOOD Complex 450mg -Providing: Stabilised Rice Bran 150mg, Green Barley Grass 75mg, Nettle Leaf (fresh freeze dried) 50mg, Ginger Rhizome/Root (fresh freeze dried - organic) 50mg, Avena sativa [Green Oat Seed] (fresh freeze dried - organic) 50mg, Alfalfa Flower & Leaf (fresh freeze dried - organic) 50mg, Calcium (as carbonate, citrate) 250mg, FOS (fructooligosaccharides) 50mg
Suitable For
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