Unlike other types of honey, Manuka Honey is renowned for its special properties and has been treasured by the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand for centuries. Honey harvested from bees visiting the flowers of the Manuka tree contains a unique component called Methylglyoxal ('MGO'), and its presence in verified amounts is what sets it apart from other honeys. Watson & Son premium quality Manuka Honey is pure and genuine from one of New Zealand's leading producers. They use a unique rating scale known as the Molan Gold Standard? (MGS) developed by leading expert Professor Peter Molan of the University of Waikato. Consumers can be confident in Watson & Son products, knowing each batch of Watson & Son Manuka Honey is tested for its Methylglyoxal content by a certified laboratory, and accorded an MGS rating that refers to the level of Methylglyoxal present.
100% pure Manuka Honey certified 12+ MGS (400+ MGO)
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