NADH (nicotinamida adenine dinucle _ tido reducida. is the way active metab _ licamente of vitamin B. _ N also known as Niacin. NADH is essential for energy the production _ N _ to cellular (ATP) from glucose and fat. Therefore tant. as M _ s NADH a c _ Lula has disponibl. M _ s energy _ to that has available to operate with a _ optimum efficiency. NADH also _ N _ est _ directly involved in the production of neurotransmisore. maintaining the integrity Gen _ tic. and the support of the appropriate function _ N The Immune System. Although NADH is normally unstable outside of cuerp. Panmol NADH uses a patented process to preserve its natural form eficaci. offering of this form stable and bioavailable NADH to the body.
Gelatin, Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate.
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