F.A.B. Method: Flood We drench our nuts and seeds in water to kick start nature's natural germination process. Activate A good soak removes the bitter phytic acid and protective enzymes, enabling better digestion. Bake Then we gently bake using natural ingredients for a fuller flavour and lighter crunch. Forget dry roasting and dousing in salt. We have discovered a better way from the Aztecs and Aborigines. Soaking nuts and seeds in water before baking them unleashes a whole bunch of goodness lying in wait inside. We are Boundless. Welcome to our intrepid pursuit of the extraordinary. Naturally free from gluten & dairy.
Almonds, Cashew Nuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Tamari (8.3%), Cider vinegar, Aleppo Flakes (2.2%), Sesame Oil
Suitable For
- Gluten Free
- Vegans