
Himalaya Pilex - 100 tablets

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  • Regular price £12.23


The plants in the composition contain bioactive substances that contribute to maintaining the health of the body through a beneficial effect in hemorrhoidal diseases. - reduces the thickening and dilation of veins and venous capillaries being useful in the case of hemorrhoids; - reduces pressure in the portal veins and liver congestion; - reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of infection, having an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action; - helps to correct chronic constipation, having laxative properties.


Balsamodendron mukul; Shilajeet (Ayurvedic product); Melia azadirachta - Neem (seeds); extracts of Berberis aristat? (root), Emblic? officinalis - Agrise indiene (fruit), Terminalia chebula (fruit peel), Terminalia bellerica (fruit peel), Cassia fistula (fruit), Bauhinia variegat? (bark), Mesua ferrea (flower).

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