It'S Pure

It'S Pure Organic Herbal Hair Colour Chestnut 110g

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  • Regular price £7.04


110g pack of hair colour powder is enough for average shoulder length hair. If your hair is thick you will need more, or if it’s fine or layered you’ll need less. Full instructions, latex gloves and cap are included in the packet. The resulting colour outcome after using this hair colour does depend on the colour of your hair before using it. On hair which is dark blonde to light brown it will be less auburn and more of a warm brown. On a salt-and-pepper mix of brown and white hair you will get an average effect, with the white hairs going more auburn. Although we do our best to formulate this hair dye so that you get a good colour, we cannot guarantee the precise colour outcome. This is because everyone’s hair is different, both in terms of the initial hair colour and different hair chemistry, and will take the colour slightly differently.


Indigofera tinctoria (indigo) powder*, lawsonia inermis (henna) powder*, cassia auriculata (cassia) powder*, emblica officinalis (amla) powder*. * Denotes Certified Organic

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